AMONG THE BOOKS BY S. V. ILYASOV. Word-forming game as a phenomenon of the language of modern mass media
The language of mass media has recently attracted special attention of linguists, since it is primarily reflected in any changes that occur in speech. In S. V. Ilyasova's monograph (Rostov-on-Don, 2002), the language of modern mass media is considered for the first time in the aspect of word-formation games: creating new words, repetitions (structural and semantic), playing with the internal form of a word, etc. Analyzing the works of Russian and foreign scientists, S. V. Ilyasova reflects on the language of the newspaper, the ratio of standard and expression in it, the essence of the language game and its features in periodicals, examines the terminology of neology, presents her own view on each of the indicated problems. At the same time, the author believes that " modern word formation has taken the form of word-making, and therefore the concept of "occasional" has been revised"; occasional is no longer understood as non-normative, which corresponds to general changes in the attitude to the norm: the ratio "norm - abnormal" is replaced by the ratio "norm - another norm" (p. 61). (Compare the existence of a parallel point of view: "language game is an intentional violation of the relevance of the norm" - Krysin L. P. RYASH. 2002. N 1. pp. 82-87.) The book discusses in detail the ways of forming neologisms, which allows us to identify new word-forming types that are being formed before our eyes and show the expansion of the boundaries of existing ones (for example, nouns on-ism, motivated by abbreviations). The most productive groups of innovations are indicated (nouns na-stvo,- ism; adjectives with suffixes-n, - ist; verbs with suffixes-i, - stvova). A new trend in the language of periodicals is indicated: more and more often forms of comparative degree are formed not from adjectives, but from nouns (hamee, ishee, monstrous, poddubnistee). Revolutionary for the newspaper language is the appearance of a huge number of new words formed by occasional methods (contami ... Read more

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AMONG THE BOOKS BY S. V. ILYASOV. Word-forming game as a phenomenon of the language of modern mass media

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