A word about Sobinka
Many researchers interpret the toponym Sobinka (Vladimir region). as a derivative of Sobinovaya pustosh or Sobinova pustosh. But if so, why is the city named Sobinka, and not Sobinovka). According to the assumption of G. P. Smolitskaya (Russian speech. 1999. N 3), the name of the city is derived from a nickname (surname) Sobin, which is based on the word sobin, which is known in the dialects of Central Russia in different meanings": "a person with some individual, own feature" or "own belongings, property" , etc. Indeed, both the explanatory dictionary of V. I. Dahl and the etymological dictionary of M. Fasmer contain many meanings of the same root words: sob, sobina, sobinka, own, which are used in explaining the name of the city in various local lore publications. We also find the name of Sobin in S. B. Veselovsky's study of Old Russian names- "Onomastics". Obviously, this book is also familiar to the author of the historical story about the events of the end of the XV century, who called the hero Sobinka (Kulikov G. G. Pushkar Sobinka). G. P. Smolitskaya's article about Sobinka ends with a short phrase: "The original name of the city was Sobinov's Wasteland." There is no way to agree with this. In 1939, the working village of Sobinka was transformed into a city. This point was never called a wasteland at all, already according to data from 1859, it is listed as a factory of the Sobinskaya Manufactory Partnership (List of populated places of the Russian Empire. Vladimir Province, St. Petersburg, 1863, vol. VI). In the State Archive of the Vladimir region, many cases of the XVII-XIX centuries were revealed with the mention of the area of interest to us. The name of the wasteland in them is found in dozens of variants! But none of them have ever encountered the suffix-s. Where does this suffix come from page 89 did you use the name of the wasteland in the listed publications? It turns out that for the first time it appeared only in 1958 in a book published for the 1 ... Read more

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