KRWGSWENDE: Dezember 1941. Referate und Diskussionsbeitrage des internationalen historischen Symposiums in Stuttgart von 17. bis 19. September 1981. Koblenz. 1984. 268 S. Under this title, the proceedings of the international Symposium of historians, held in Stuttgart in September 1981, were published in Germany. The publication clearly traces the difference in the approaches of Soviet and bourgeois historians to the analysis and assessment of the events of the Second World War related to the end of 1941 - beginning of 1942. It is well known that in the second half of 1941 the epicenter of World War II shifted to the Soviet-German front. The failure of the fascist plan for a "lightning war in the East" and the defeat of the Nazis near Moscow had a huge impact on changing the military and political situation in favor of the states and peoples that were subjected to aggression by the fascist bloc. However, at the symposium, bourgeois historians put forward the problems of waging war in the Pacific, in the Atlantic and in the Mediterranean, and the question of the victory of the Soviet Army in the battle of Moscow was pushed into the background. Most of the speeches were devoted to the causes of the war in the Pacific and the significance of the United States ' entry into World War II. At the same time, both problems were clearly presented in a biased manner. Retired Japanese Rear Admiral S. Toyami and West German historian P. Herde attempted to remove responsibility from Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan for unleashing the war against the United States. Following the concept put forward in the 60s by right-wing conservative historians of the West, both speakers argued that the Japanese government sought to settle disputes with the United States "without using military force" and was forced to attack Pearl Harbor allegedly only because of the intransigence of the American government, which took a "tough position". The" decisive push " to the beginning of the Japanese ... Read more

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