DANG THI HIEU LA, Doctor of Economics (Vietnam) VIETNAM'S EXPERIENCE OF ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING In 1986, after the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), Vietnam adopted a policy of eliminating the bureaucratically centralized subsidy mechanism, making extensive use of commodity-money relations and economic levers, and lifting bans on market development. The renewal process has been particularly intense in Vietnam since the early 1990s. Now market mechanisms have a decisive impact on the development of the economy. The development of a market economy in Vietnam has a socialist orientation. However, the understanding of socialism itself and its relationship to the market has changed significantly. It seems that experience has shown that the market should not be opposed, but included in the content of socialism. Socialism, in our opinion, should create conditions for the effective economic and social development of the market; in turn, the market should contribute to the achievement of the goals of socialism. According to this concept, Vietnam is consistently expanding market relations inside and outside the country. Vietnam does not limit itself to traditional ties with former socialist states, but develops them with all countries, following the motto: "Vietnam wants to be a friend of all countries in the world community, fighting for peace, independence and development" 1 . As a result, the country began to create conditions for revolutionary changes in the field of science, technology and technology. Information technologies are particularly rapidly developing. This became the basis for the integration of the Vietnamese economy into the global economy. Vietnam is actively involved in this process. BEGINNING TO OVERCOME THE CRISIS In the past, there were only two main centralized economic structures in Vietnam - the State and the cooperative. This constrained the economy, production developed slowly, supply did not keep up with demand, and the standa ... Read more

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