The next 4th International Conference on Rhetoric on the topic "Rhetorical Culture in Modern Society" was held on January 26-28, 2000 at the Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language. The conference was opened by the Chairman of the Russian Association of Researchers, Teachers and Teachers of Rhetoric V. I. Annushkin. The guests were welcomed by the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of the Pushkin State Research Institute Yu. E. Prokhorov. He highly appreciated the efforts of scientists and teachers seeking to restore rhetorical ideas in Russia, stressed the importance of the resurgent discipline for Russian studies in general, and spoke about how the teaching of rhetoric is organized at different faculties of the Pushkin State University. Rhetorical conferences have become a regular experience of exchanging opinions of all those who care about the fate of the Russian word, the methodology of teaching Russian speech in all areas of teacher education: at school and university, for Russians and foreigners. Rhetoric, considered as the doctrine of persuasive and effective speech, attempts to pose and solve acute problems of building optimal speech interaction in the modern information society: from the rules of everyday dialogue and business negotiations to the art of political and journalistic speech. The program of the plenary and breakout sessions was equally diverse, where an interested discussion of the current state and prospects for the development of the culture of the Russian word took place. During the plenary session, 9 reports were heard. L. K. Graudina in her report "On some problems of modern rhetoric" considered topical issues of modern social and speech practice and speech culture, giving specific examples of violations of communication norms and suggesting ways to achieve effective speech results. O. B. Sirotinina paid attention to the elite type of speech culture and its correlation with the phenomenon of rhetorical skill in her report. "Intention ... Read more

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