"WITH THE GREAT PLEASURE OF MY HEART..." V. K. Trediakovsky and the development of Russian prose of the XVIII century
300 years since the birth of V. K. TREDIAKOVSKY At the end of the XVII - beginning of the XVIII century, a flood of translated chivalrous and adventurous novels literally flooded into Russia. Interest in them is associated with both external entertainment and an abundance of new information. The novel came to Russian literature as an "alien" genre. The first Russian prose writers could not avoid the experience of Western European literature. O. L. Kalashnikova identifies "three main streams in which novel experience was accumulated during this period" (Kalashnikova O. L. Genre varieties of the Russian novel of the 1760s - 1770s.Dnepropetrovsk, 1988). These are "histories", stories of Peter's time, imitative novels, and mostly handwritten translations of Western European novels. It is noted that " all three streams were a living literary phenomenon of their time, forming a single Russian literary process of the first half of the XVIII century "(Kalashnikov. Edict. op.). One of the reformers of Russian verse, V. K. Trediakovsky, is well known to poetry lovers and philologists. Less well-known is his role in the development of Russian prose, which coincided with the beginning of literary activity. In the early thirties of the XVIII century, he returned from France, where he received a European education, learned several languages and was eager to serve the enlightenment of Russia. In 1730, V. K. Trediakovsky translated into Russian the love story of Paul Tallemann "Riding to the Island of Love" (1663). For the Russian reader, the idea of a new genre will be connected with a love conflict for a long time. The translation of this amorous and gallant novel is considered an important milestone in Russian artistic development. L. V. Pumpyansky noted: "With this book begins the history of the French service of the noble household and moral culture (...) most readers welcomed the elegant novelty; it was needed; it met the urgent need for cultural love.- page 70 bovno-romannoy ... Read more

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"WITH THE GREAT PLEASURE OF MY HEART..." V. K. Trediakovsky and the development of Russian prose of the XVIII century

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