"The history of the Russian Language Dictionary card files of the XI-XVII centuries."
...In science, everything is important. G. Heine Recently, many works on the history of Russian studies have been published, which note the characteristic trends in the development of linguistic ideas, and emphasize the role of certain scientists and scientific schools in the formation of various branches of Russian linguistics. However, many aspects of the history of the science of language remain undisclosed, first of all, it concerns the history of creating large file cabinets and dictionaries based on them. Published in the Nauka Publishing House (Moscow, 2001)," The History of the Russian Language Dictionary card files of the XI - XVII centuries: Author's composition and sources " (compiled by L. Yu.Astakhina) largely fills in this gap. In fact, this is the first monographic description of the past and present of the Old Russian Dictionary (DRS) File System. For the first time, the reader got a clear and distinct idea of the huge painstaking work that preceded the appearance of one of the most striking lexicographic works of the XX century - the Dictionary of the Russian Language of the XI - XVII centuries, which, by all accounts, became an invaluable asset of national science and culture. It should be emphasized that the author not only comprehensively analyzed the history and current state of one of the most important historical files of the Russian language, but also made a significant contribution to the formation of linguistic historiography as an independent scientific discipline. This is extremely important in connection with the discussion on the state and ways of development of Russian linguistics. "The history of the Russian Language Dictionary card files of the XI-XVII centuries" is full of a large factual material. The book is preceded by a succinct preface, which defines its main tasks: scientific, linguistic, historical and cultural. The main section of the publication contains the history of the DRS File System, which can be traced against the ba ... Read more

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"The history of the Russian Language Dictionary card files of the XI-XVII centuries."

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