About spelling mistakes based on false etymology If there are false etymologies in children's speech (vacuum cleaner - "kolesos", collarbones - "shoulders") - a common phenomenon and for us, adults, quite funny, then writing in the spirit of false etymology, found in adult native speakers, including journalists, cause melancholy and sadness, as they turn out to be blatant illiteracy. Here are some examples from central and regional periodicals. So, the noun confidant (from percy - chest) and its derivatives are often raised by journalists to the word finger: "The favorite of the House of Romanov, the thimble of the Dowager Empress" (Choice. 1992. N 41); "... Peter's thimble "Prince-pope" Nikita Zotov "(All. 1999. N 19). The verb venerate (from plywood) is associated with the authors page 126 articles with the word background. "Chipboard with a light wood background" (For everyone. 1999. N 12); "chess with a board with a background veneer" (Kirovskaya Pravda. 1997. N 210). A correspondent of the Kirov newspaper "Vesti" (1995. N 47) writes about the marine artist: "The opening of the exhibition was the morainic works of Alexander Barinov", and the newspaper " All " (1994. N 13-14) published an announcement about the sale of the trillage. No less transparent are the associations that dictated to journalists such statements as: "it is planned to expand neurological, heart attack, and pulmonary hospitals" (Vyatka Observer. 1997. N 43); "All this was like some kind of pigeon volleyball, and the old pigeon on the referee, only without the whistle" (I grow up. 1995. N 7); " He came to sing and dance at their housewarming party "(Choice. 1992. N 18); "Kovalev, near the mushroom canal" (From hand to hand. Brest, 2002, No. 22). Spelling mistakes that are caused by false approximations abound in written works of schoolchildren and students, for example, onulit (zero) - cancel; polisadnik (Greek poly -many, many) - palisade; sportakiada (sport) - spartakiad; perepitii (perepit) ... Read more

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