"Hardworking philologist" V. K. Trediakovsky
300 years since the birth of V. K. TREDIAKOVSKY. The son of a provincial Astrakhan priest, Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky (1703 - 1769), solely because of his talent and love of science, became one of the most educated and famous people of his time. After the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, he went to Holland at the end of 1725, where there was complete freedom of the press. There he got acquainted with the richest book and magazine literature, banned in France, which was published in Holland and distributed throughout Europe. In 1727-1730, Trediakovsky studied at the Sorbonne, where he adopted the idea of the priority of the national language over the language of the church and scholastic scholarship, French over Latin, Russian over Church Slavonic. Translating the well-known novel by P. Talman "Riding to the Island of Love", he tried to do it "almost in the simplest Russian syllable, that is, what we say among ourselves" (Trediakovsky V. K. Soch. SPb., 1849. Vol. Sh. P. 647). Soon Trediakovsky becomes the court "piit" of Anna Ioannovna. In addition to translations from Latin and French, he creates Russian versions of odes by German court poets. Comparing different poetic systems, he comes to the conclusion that the poem should be built in accordance with the nature of the Russian language. A number of Trediakovsky's articles are devoted to the issues of poetic art: "Opinion on the beginning of poetry and poems in general", "On the ancient, Middle and new Russian poem", "Reasoning on the Ode in general", etc., as well as the treatise "A new and brief way to add Russian poems with the definition of proper titles" (and its corresponding titles). a later, expanded version of 1752 - "A way to add Russian poems"). The concepts of "poetry" and" verse "are related to him as" content "and" form", as" second reality "and the means of its expression in speech:" In poetry, in general, two things must be noticed. First: the matter or business that Piita will undertake to write. S ... Read more

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"Hardworking philologist" V. K. Trediakovsky

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