India is one of the most likely candidates to join the top three world leaders of the XXI century, along with the United States and China. Already, the country's GDP, according to World Bank experts, is about 1/3 of the US GDP. GDP growth in 2005 was 7.6% compared to an average of 4% for the period 1990-2002, i.e. India ranked second in the world after China.1 At the same time, industrial production grew by 8.2%. At the same time, with a population comparable to the PRC (more than 1 billion people). person) India is almost twice as far behind China in terms of per capita GDP distribution2. The country's economy and population are clearly divided into two segments: patriarchal - agrarian, which includes almost 60% of the population of India, and modern, including post-industrial. The latter, in particular, is evidenced by the rapidly growing export of software produced here from the country, as well as the number of Internet users (more than 50 million people). About 250,000 highly qualified specialists work in the field of computer technology development, computer science and telecommunications. At the same time, 25% of the population remains below the poverty line, and the income gap between the 10% of the most affluent and the 10% of the poorest is more than 32 times 3. The solution of the two-pronged problem-giving the country the status of a great world power and improving the standard of living of the population-is possible only through the introduction of high technologies as a domestic development, and imported ones. This is also associated with a high level of domestic and foreign investment activity, despite the difficulties experienced by the country in servicing domestic and foreign debt. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES The military-industrial sector is considered as one of the driving forces for the development of high technologies. This is evidenced, in particular, by the growth of defense spending, which recently ranged from 7 to 15% per year. In 2005, compared t ... Read more

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